Friday, June 25, 2010

4 years ago today...

4 years ago today was by far one of the best days of my life. Not the best, because I don't know if I have a best moment anymore, but it ties for number 1 up there with finding out I was pregnant and then actually having Eirik. 4 years ago today I married my husband! And 6 years ago tomorrow my husband and I started dating. It was a fluke that our wedding ended up being the day before our dating anniversary. A random date that worked for everyone and only after the fact did I realize what had happened.

We met at work... I was home for the summer working and preparing myself for my senior year. I wasn't looking for a relationship because at the time I was already in one. But, life works in mysterious ways, and sometimes you find love when you least expect it. Unsure of how things would work out once I returned to school I tried not to become too attached to the long term but once I returned to college it was even more apparent to both of us how strong those feelings were.

Our wedding was not a traditional one. It was performed at his aunts house and was a norse ceremony officiated by a friend of my husbands. It was a small intimate affair with only our closet friends and family. I didn't even wear white! To some it was odd, but for us it was perfect. Everything just seemed to fall into place. The entire day was rainy and miserable except about 5 hours during which we got married and ate and relaxed.


I'm not going to say marriage has been easy... its had its ups and downs. We've had joyous moments together and we've also had our problems. But we love each other and we know that no matter how frustrated we may get we love each other and support each other. Over the years we've been together i've only fallen more in love with him. And now, watching him with Eirik makes me love him even more.

So, today I dedicate this post to my husband. The man who has been there and seen me at my lowest and supported me when I didn't think I could do it anymore and who always tries to make me push myself farther even when I didn't want to try. You've laughed with me, cried with me, been there through death and loss, through happiness and joy. We've had our moments where we drive each other crazy but those always lead to moments where we love each other even more. You know exactly what to do to cheer me up on days when I've reached my breaking point. And now, watching you with Eirik just makes me love you even more. You're a wonderful father and he is so lucky to have you.

Happy Anniversary!


  1. Happy Anniversary! Your wedding photo is awesome :).

  2. Happy Anniversary to you and DH! :)

  3. Hope you have a wonderful day! Happy anniversary =)

  4. YOU LOOK STUNNING in your wedding photo! Wow, beautiful :) What a great picture!

    Can you tell us more about what norse ceremony is? I'm embarrassed to admit that I have no idea what you might be talking about!
    Happy Anniversary Emma!
