When I was pregnant I went to a cloth diapering seminar and was told that cloth diapering was addicting. I laughed... how was something like this addicting?? Now I am sadly addicted. The addicting part is that there are so many brands and kinds out there you want to try EVERYTHING! And the major companies are always coming up with the next best diaper... or a new pattern or color. Yep, its addicting!
So, today I have 4 different pocket diapers to review! We switched primarily to pockets for a few reasons. First off Eirik is growing like a weed and I wanted something that was adjustable for a large weight range. I know you can get covers and fitted that are adjustable, however I also wanted something easy for my husband. While he does pretty good with the cloth diapering easier is always better. I have to say currently I am in LOVE with pocket diapers. They are as easy to put on as a regular disposable and wash up great. The only slightly time consuming part is the stuffing of the diapers.
So, for each diaper i'll talk about a few things. Ease of getting on (very important!), ease of stuffing (also important), fit, and leaks.
First up we have the BumGenius 3.0 one size pocket diaper!
These were my first foray into pocket diapers. Overall I am a large fan! The diapers go up to 35lbs i believe. We started Eirik on the second size. These diapers are nice and easy to put on and honestly we have very few leak issues. The leak issues we have are overnight and are more due to us not getting them on quite right. They are pretty easy to stuff once you get the hang of it... it can be a little tricky at first. While I am a large fan of the Velcro I am already concerned it is not going to last. Admittedly they have been getting a LOT of use since we didn't have a huge supply... but I can already see that the velcro is getting a little worn. My biggest complaint about this diaper is the way the pocket is. We have had the most leakage issues with these simply because something wasn't tucked in all the way. In my book they get an 8 out of 10!
Next up, Thirsties Duo Diapers!
I purchased the Thirsties because of the awesome patterns. Yes, I wanted a diaper with a pattern and not a plain color! Thirsties is actually a 2 size diaper system. The first size is from newborn up to about 18lbs and then the second size goes from 18lbs up to 40lbs. Since my son was already so close to the upper limit of the size 1 we started with a size 2 diaper. As you can see from the picture its on the smallest setting so he has TONS of room to grow, which is really nice. Also the pattern is awesome! Around the legs there is a nice leg gusset to help prevent leaks from the sides, which I really really like! This diaper isn't QUITE as easy to get on as the other one size diapers because of the way that the insert gets stuffed in. Most pocket diapers only have one opening while this diaper has two. Personally I find the double opening a pain. Its supposed to make stuffing easier, which I do not find. It also means that you have to make sure that the insert is not poking out in the front and the back when you put the diaper on. We have had a few dampness issues from the insert hanging out a bit. Again, this is velcro so I am sure it will wear. I'll have to wait and see how quickly. I do like the insert on this diaper though. Its a double insert with a microfiber on top and then hemp underneath. The microfiber pulls the wetness away and the hemp stores it. We haven't had a real "leak" yet with this diaper, just the dampness from not getting the diaper on correctly. Overall i'd say an 8 out of 10! Defiantly a great diaper!
Lastly we have FuzziBunz.
The blue diaper is the fuzzibunz medium pocket diaper while the brown diaper is the one sized pocket diaper. These diapers are VERY similar so i'll review them together. The biggest difference between them is the one size goes from 7 to 35lbs and the medium diaper goes from 15 to 30lbs. In all honesty the medium diaper will probably last Eirik as long as the one size diaper, the only reason I got both was due to a sale and pricing at various sites. They are both diapers with snappies. The one size diaper has extra snappies so you can adjust the fit longer. As you can see Eirik is on the smallest setting for both diapers, plenty of room to grow. VERY important for me. Also the one size diaper has adjustable leg elastic which the medium diaper doesn't have. I honestly thought I would hate snappies and would be a velcro girl, but after using them I have to say I don't mind them at all! Fuzzibunz are also in my opinion the easiest to stuff. The other two diapers I have to fidgit with the insert once it's in the diaper to get it settled right, but I don't really have this issue with the FuzziBunz. I am also in love with the material that the FuzziBunz diaper is lined with. Its SO soft. The diaper is easy to put on, easy to stuff, and so far leak free. I have to say that they are quickly becoming my favorite diaper! Overall i'd have to say a 9 out of 10! The only reason for the 9 out of 10 is that sometimes I feel like i can't get a good snug fit around the legs.
There is one more diaper I have here but I did not review it. I purchased some medium swaddlebee diapers on craigslist but did not do my research first. These diapers run VERY small and unfortunately once I got them home and on Eirik I realized they would not work for us. I was very dissapointed because I loved the way they looked! They were so trim fitting but the rise was so low that he really needed the large size. So, if anyone out there is interested in swaddlebess just keep that in mind!
Thanks so much for the reviews! I have mostly Bum Genius 3.0's but also have a few Happy Heiny's. I may be interested in the swaddlebees,I've got a petite little girl on my hands =)