Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Clear Eyes

Eirik's tearducts have finally unclogged!! WAHOO!! No more gunky disgusting eyes for him!! I swear I felt like a bad parent... every time I went out his eyes looked so gunky and disgusting! People always said "oh, hes got a little gunk..." and then when his eyes got really bad they turned all red and sore looking. Of course he never complained about this... it was all me worrying! Of course I had all these fears they wouldn't unclog themselves and he'd have to go through surgery to correct it. Thankfully however my massaging of his tearducts worked! He now has nice clean eyes! I'm sure Eirik is happy that now we don't have to constantly try and rub under his eyes anymore!



  1. Yay for clear eyes!! And I know I say it every time, but he is so stinkin' cute!! :)

  2. He looks so happy! I'm glad they are clear, will it stay that way? I know nothing about clogged tear ducts.

  3. That is wonderful! It's amazing how we feel so stressed about things that resolve on their own. Good job on the massage mama =)
