Thursday, November 4, 2010

Crawling and Pulling Up!

As I said in my 7 month post, Eirik was on the verge of crawling and pulling up. Well, he has now accomplished both!

For so long now hes been doing this sit scott crawl... and while it was mobility it wasn't really what I would call crawling. Well, this evening he actually crawled... arms and legs were moving! He still sits a lot but I have to admit he is fully mobile now. let the babyproofing begin!

He also finally figured out how to pull up on the furniture! Not only that he took a tentative step which means cruising is going to be starting soon!!

I'm not ready for him to grow up!!


  1. Go Eirik!! I have a feeling that he'll be one that's into everything, curiousity personified, so batten down the hatches! ;)

  2. Oh Lara he's ALREADY into everything!! He is not a baby happy to sit and watch... he wants to grab and eat! ;)

  3. I know in a way it must be hard to see him getting these new skills {{{HUGS}}} I try to remind myself of all the fun we'll have with the new stage when I'm crying tears over time moving too fast =)

  4. He is such a little exploring machine! And SO interested in everything! =oD
