Friday, May 28, 2010

One Of Those Days...

Today has just been one of those days... one of those days where nothing really seems to go right. It all started last night when Eirik wouldn't sleep. I fought with him for about an hour before taking him downstairs and putting him in his swing. About 2 1/2 hours later a thunderstorm rolled through. Now there are two things that really scare the living daylights out of me... flying and thunderstorms. After laying in bed awake for 30 minutes I decided to go get Eirik out of the swing and feed him in hopes that by the time that was over with the storm would be over and then both Eirik and I could go  back to sleep. No dice... the storm didn't end for quite a while. When he woke up to eat the next time he had peed through is clothes and then only slept for about another 2 hours before waking up to eat again... wet again. After that he did his morning cluster feeding which meant that I wasn't going back to bed... so instead I got up.

I weighed myself only to discover i'd gained 1/2lb from last week even though I actually did some exercise. Frustrated I went and ate breakfast and got myself ready to go out as I had plans to meet my friend for the afternoon. Eirik was being extra fussy and refusing to go back down for another morning nap which made getting ready more difficult. In my haste I forgot to move my water off the table which means the cats got into it, knocking it onto the pile of thank you notes waiting to be sent out. Then in the attempt to clean out my ears I ended up making things worse. At this point I was tired and frustrated but ready to leave.

The afternoon spent with my friend and her son (who is 2) was fun, but Eirik was extra fussy. I forgot to bring his hat and we were outside and suddenly I realized that we should move indoors and i'm worried that even though it was cloudy today he got too much sun. When we got lunch he decided he was tired and didn't want to sleep so I spent the entire time nursing him instead, and then the baby that never spits up did... all down me! He went back to sleep again once I was walking (he loves being carried!). We got home and then in my attempt to get something in the bathroom I shattered a bottle of nail polish over the floor so now my bathroom smells of nailpolish and nail polish remover!


I feel better now... its just been one of those days!


  1. Man, that is one bad day! Hope today is MUCH better =)

  2. I am sorry everything seemed to happen in one day! Hope you were able to get some rest last night and today is a beter day for you.
