Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Do As I Say, Not As I Do!

I've discovered that the older Eirik gets the more it is actually encouraging me to change my lifestyle as well in a positive way!

When I was a kid we ate dinner in the kitchen at the table... no TV. I can only remember about 3 occasions where the TV was on during dinner, and that was when I was a teenager! Of course once college hit I began to eat more and more meals in front of the TV and by the time I had gotten married I was quite used to balancing my plate on my lap while I ate. My husband and I would typically watch something while we ate dinner. Usually a movie or an episode of a TV show. I always knew however that once Eirik was old enough to eat at the table with us my days of eating in the living room would be over. Sure enough once we started Eirik on solids and had him actually eating with us back to the table meals went. Now every night we sit down to dinner at the table!

I've also been a lot more careful about what foods I am buying and preparing. I am by no means only feeding him organic and natural foods... honestly I don't have that kind of money. But since we are doing baby led solids and he eats off our plates I am trying harder to prepare meals with fresh foods and to make sure things are healthy. Of course some nights are better then others... Saturday for example my husband and I had pizza while Eirik had broccoli.

It'll be interesting to see what other changes I make as he gets older!


  1. Thanks for saying that about organic foods. I try really hard to only feed them organic foods and natural, hormone/pesticide free foods. However, nwo that they are eating more and more, that means I am buying more and more, and I honestly just can't afford to do it all the time, and I have been feeling guilty about it. Thanks for easing the guilt!

  2. I know what you mean. We are back to eating at the table too and I find it nice. Nice to catch up with the Mr and smile at Miss Kylie instead of zoning out on the TV. I hadn't thought of the time when she's eating the same food as us quite yet...I'm sure the time will be here before I know it. Did Eirik want to try your pizza at all?

  3. I know what you mean too--my history is the same as yours! I grew up in a house of every-day family dinner at the table, and now me and my husband nearly always eat on the couch in front of the TV while watching a movie or TV show. But I'm fairly confident that once our new son starts eating food, we'll be motivated to start up our own tradition of family dinner at the table. It's funny how we have higher standards for our kids than we have for ourselves--and I don't think eating is where it ends . . . all in all, I think kids are a good reminder to us of what we really value, and in a house full of only adults, it can be easy to be lazy . . .

  4. Isn't it funny how children can change us without us even thinking about it? I tend to always buy organic products for Teddy even though DH and I could care less when it comes to ourselves, etc. I bet Eirik loves eating with you two:)
