Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 1 Without The Swing...

6:10 am - Eirik is wide awake and ready to start the day. I attempt to no avail to get him back to sleep... we eat, we change the diaper, we cuddle... nope. He's awake and ready to play. Since its my day to sleep in that means my husband gets up with him. Minor guilt ensuses... however I do make it back to sleep.

9:15am - I finally get myself out of bed and head downstairs to find Eirik awake. I ask my husband how long he slept, response is about 45 minutes. Typical for his morning nap so I'm not too worried.

11:15am - Finally get Eirik down for a nap. Break out computer to attempt to get some homework done.

11:45am - Eirik wakes up from nap.

12:15pm - give up with attempting to get Erik back to sleep after 30 minutes of rocking, nursing, and rythymic sushing has failed. Instead play with him!

1:30pm - Nap number 2... Still feeling optimistic about the day!

1:35pm - Awake again! This time I see if he'll put himself back to sleep as he's quite happy and laying in the pack and play. No dice. My husband gets him as i'm in the middle of eating lunch.

3pm - Attempt number 3 at napping after lots of jiggling up and down and 10 minutes of being carried around the living room in the piggy sack...

3:30pm - And we're awake again! I have to tell myself over and over "do not put him in the swing, do not put him in the swing".

5:30pm - Nap number 4 after lots of yelling and squirming and 10 minutes in the piggy sack.

6:15pm - Up again! And still obviously tired but not interested in going back to sleep.We play for a while before bath time and then hopefully bed.

8:50pm - After fighting sleep for 45 minutes finally zonked out in the cosleeper upstairs. The real question is how long will it last...

Needless to say its been a very long and exhausting day. I wouldn't be worried except the fact that I KNOW he's tired. Hes fussy and yelling and squirming. By 3pm today that swing looked so tempting just sitting there... i knew if i put him in within 10 minutes he'd be zonked for probably 2 hours or so. But I knew that ultimately doing that wouldn't do me any good so I struggled on. Its not even just the fact he wouldn't sleep long... but the 20 minutes it took to get him to GO to sleep as well! It was a long drawn out process of eating, rocking, jiggling, and then sometimes breaking out the piggy sack.... and then 1/2 the time he'd startle when I put him down and we'd have to start the whole process over.

The only positive thing was I got some very adorable photos of him today. He is a pro at sitting up now and my friend lent me this penguin that bobbles back and forth for him to play with! I think he still doesn't quite understand how to play with it, but he finds it amusing none the less!


His favorite toy at the moment is this red cube... it crinkles. It was a set of 3 blocks, but he likes the red one the best because it makes noise when he plays with it! I can pull that out and give it to him and he's entertained for a good 10 minutes!


Tomorrow we're going out for a large chunk of the day so no swing again. Now I just have to convince my husband not to use the swing on Monday when I go back to work... we'll see....


  1. As I type Kylie is asleep in her swing =) Hope Eirik sleeps well tonight and the swing isn't required tomorrow!

  2. I keep eyeing my swing but haven't done it yet. But I did introduce Kaitlin to her vibrating bouncy seat tonight when she got uber fussy after her 10pm feeding. Do you think the happiness these things provide outweighs the frustruation when you have to stop using them? I worry about that ...

    Hope that Eirik has a better day tomorrow!

  3. Henry has the same penguin!!

    Eirik is getting so big and cute :)

  4. Why can't you use the swing? He's too big? I'm sure I read about that. Can't you just limit it's use? I dunno of course... I'm just pregnant... I know nothing except that I'm hungry all the time!
