Saturday, August 21, 2010

Similac Sensitive Anyone?

Do any of my blog readers use Similac Sensitive? The reason I ask is the formula company must have gotten my name and they sent me a free sample can! I would love to give it to someone who I know before offering it up for free on my local craigslist! Any takers??

In other news the swaddling trick is working wonders. Today I got him down for his second nap with no problem! I swaddled him up, lay him in the pack and play, and 10 minutes later he was out! And he's been asleep for about an hour now. So much easier then the rocking and bouncing I was doing to get him to take a nap!

Now I'm off to get myself ready to go out. When he wakes up we're going to Target!

1 comment:

  1. Nope...not using Similac. Hopefully somone is though. Happy the swaddle trick is working great =)
