I ran into Borders the other week to grab some books for Eirik (you have to love coupons plus borders bucks!) and of course had to make a stop in the clearance bin. Who doesn't love clearance books? Well, this book caught my eye so after skimming the back I decided "What the heck, for a few bucks it looks interesting". What did I pick up? The Milk Memos: How Real Moms Learned to Mix Business with Babies-and How You Can, Too
I WISH I had read this book 6 months ago when I went back to work. I really do! I HIGHLY recommend this to ANY mom who is pumping at work. It covers everything... all those fun work situations such as how to tell your boss you need to pump, how to find a place to pump, how to make your pumping experience more comfortable, how often you should be pumping, etc. The book is written by two women who work for IBM and pumped at work. They had a pumping room and started a journal which all the mothers wrote in. The book is half informative half reprintings of the journal they wrote in! So you get to hear little funny stories and side comments while learning all about the joys of pumping at work.
The book also goes into details about general baby care... how to find a good daycare or nanny, different methods for sleep training, how much milk you should be producing and feeding your baby a day, what to do if your baby suddenly refuses the bottle... There is a chapter on issues such as clogged ducts, mastitis, and leaking. It even discusses mommy guilt!
I think what I really like about this book is it doesn't force one opinion on you. It goes over EVERYTHING. While the book is about pumping at work, it says in there quite plainly that if you need to supplement with formula that's okay too! It talks about moms from every angle... those who love breastfeeding and pumping, those who do it because they feel they should, and those that are in between. It was a nice easy read as I have to admit some of the stuff I skimmed over (like the chapter on business trips while pumping).
So, since this post is all about pumping at work, i'll share a few tips that I have learned!
1. Some people will be uncomfortable with you pumping. Some people you will say the word "breastmilk" to and they will put their hands up and go "enough said". (Yes, i had a guy do this to me). Some people will give you looks as you walk with your bag towards wherever you pump. Take it in stride and know that you are now covered by the law!
2. Get a hands free pumping bra! You can apparently make one out of a sports bra, but I purchased one on amazon and I LOVE it. It has been worth every penny! Instead of spending my pumping session listening to the sound of my pump I read. It helps me relax and therefore helps me produce more milk. =)
3. Get a support system! You may be the only one pumping at your job. I found a wonderful message board through IVillage with other women who are amazingly supportive! They are there to answer questions about my pump, low supply, tricks to boost supply, etc. There are many times when I have gone there to ask questions about storing or scheduling pumps!
Tomorrow I promise we will be back to our regularly scheduled Eirik updates. =)
Meh, I like your reviews. Review away! You made me want to buy that book, and I'm a SAHM! lol
ReplyDeleteIt's your blog, lady! Review away! I enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteWow, I wish we had known about that book a little earlier! Good to know though, it would be a nice gift for a soon to be mom who is planning to b/f.
ReplyDeleteWhile this subject has no application to me, I agree - this sounds like a great book for soon-to-be moms! If nothing else, your reviews make good gift ideas! =oD