Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Scary Looking Stretch Marks and A Winter Rash

So my stomach looks scarier and scarier by the day. I knew the stretch marks would come... its all in your genes and I already have stretch marks from when I was younger (puberty was not nice to me). I really can't see them too well because they are low down, but the other day I looked intentionally and went to myself "Wow, thats sexy!" I now understand my husbands comment of "oh wow, that looks painful". Needless to say no photos of the scary stomach will appear on this blog! I've been rubbing burts bees belly balm on nightly which helps with the itching if nothing else!

I also discovered last night I have developed a weird rash on my legs. At first I thought it was razor burn from shaving, but then I realized I haven't shaved my legs in weeks so that wouldn't be it. Then this morning I noticed the blotchy rash on my calves. So, after googling pregnancy rashes I called my midwife only to be told that unless it was really itchy not to worry and just apply aloe and take oatmeal baths! They are gong to do some bloodwork just to make sure its nothing serious, but at this point there's nothing they can do.

So between the huge stomach, the scary stretch marks, and now the rash on my hairy legs (i did just confess its been ages since I last shaved) I must look really sexy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh ouch! I'm so sorry ... I bet the rash is just plain uncomfortable and icky feeling.
    I hope you feel better real soon!
