Saturday, January 2, 2010

30 week photo!

I was lazy last week with Christmas and didn't get a nice belly shot (i got tons of other horrible photos which will not be posted here. ;) ) 

30 weeks 1-2-10

No wonder the past few times i've gone out people have been staring at my stomach!

So that means 10 weeks to go until my official due date... however there is a plus or minus 2 weeks... so it could be as soon as 8. How scary is that?! I am starting to freak out now about how much I have left to do!


  1. I love that one of your kitty cats is staring at your bump in this pic :) too cute!!! OMG, you are getting SO close to the finish line!!!!

  2. haha, shes actually giving me the "pay attention to me or die" look. ;) I've had her forever and shes never been very attention seeking, but recently she just sits next to me and meows and wants me to pet her!
