Monday, November 15, 2010

Food Updates!

So we're still sticking with the baby led solids and I have to say I am sort of getting in a rut! I've been scouring other baby led solid websites for ideas on new foods to give Eirik. He still doesn't have the pincher grasp and gets easily frustrated when he can't get his food! It doesn't help we do dinner when he's already a little grumpy. Starting tomorrow we are going to start giving him lunch and dinner!

In new food adventures we've tried cauliflower, tofu, and chicken. The tofu he ate a bit of both times, but quickly decided against it. Not that I can blame him too much... i'm not a huge fan of tofu either! The cauliflower fell apart in his hands and he got frustrated with it... so we'll have to try that one again. Chicken was a hit, but i didn't cook it soft enough so he sucked on it more then he actually ate it! Oh, he also tried some butternut squash mash! That he enjoyed. He even fed himself using a spoon! Well ... mostly. He did get excited and started to wave his spoon around and globs of squash went flying around as well. The dangers of baby led solids!!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the giggle! Not that you cleaning up gobs of squash is funny but the mental image of him hucking them is...I might not think that when I join you next month though =)
