Saturday, December 18, 2010

An Early Christmas Gift...

With one week to go until Christmas and a week and a half until Eirik turns 9 months old it seems my period has returned. Maybe. I think.

Last week I noticed my  milk supply had dipped majorly. Typically I was getting about 16 - 20oz a day out of 2 pumps however last week I was only getting about 12oz a day out of 2 pumps... that's just enough to cover Eirik for the next day and have nothing in the freezer. I freaked. First thought was a parts issue so I purchased new tubing. But then the cramps started. Now I have to add here i've had on and off weird cramps for months and nothing happened. However this time the cramps and the supply drop made me go "hummm".

Then this morning, spotting... and more cramping. We'll see if this turns into a full blown period of if its just spotting.

I did not miss my period. I did not miss insane cramps and ridiculously heavy bleeding. I did not miss needing to take 800mg of ibuprofen every 6 hours for the first 2 days of my period. I did not miss pads and other feminine articles and wearing black clothes just in case of leakage (yes, I am prone to this thanks to the heavy bleeding).

Merry Christmas to me!


  1. Crappy Christmas gift. I used to have bad cramps and heavy bleeding every period but after having kids it calmed down a bit. Maybe you'll get lucky and have easier periods! I hope your supply goes back up.

  2. Booo! It sounds like you had the same kind of periods I had. Hopefully it won't be as bad this time around??

    We can always hope.

  3. But returning period means maybe the possibility of a new baby brother or sister for Eirik :-p Think happy thoughts, we as women are doomed to periods...

  4. I hope that if af is showing up, she is much nicer to you. I too think af is right around the corner since I stopped nursing last week and am minimally pumping.

  5. >_< Blech. I'm sorry =o/
