Saturday, November 14, 2009

23 weeks and some random pregnancy thoughts. =)

So here is my nice little bump photo for the week! As you can see, Caligula tried to get into the photo.

23 weeks 11-13-09

I compared it to the photo I took just 3 weeks ago and WOW... talk about a difference! I really do look pregnant compared to how I looked just 3 weeks ago! On the weight gain side i'm probably up about 20lbs at this point. I had hoped to be a little lower, but i'll take it. I did spend a good chunk of the 1T and early 2T eating 24/7 due to an appetite that was out of control!

Today I have my hospital tour. Its a formality because we don't really plan on using this hospital, we plan on using the birthing center 10 minutes away. But, as I told my husband, I want to take the tour and know the hospital policies and layout just in case. You never know what will happen!

And lastly, I have come to the conclusion that I am going to donate my cord blood. When you go to the doctors now days you are given massive amounts of information on privet cord banking. Basically (for those non pregnancy people) the cord blood contains stem cells which could be used later in the child's life if they have the need of a stem cell transplant. My husband and I talked about it and decided that we wanted to save this, but we weren't sure whether or not to publically donate it (like donating blood) or privet donate it and save it just for us. After doing a lot of research into cord blood banking I came to the conclusion that the best thing to do is public donation. Neither of us has a family history of the diseases that are listed as currently being treated with cord stem cells. Upon further research I discovered the chance of a person being able to use their own cord stem cells in treatment is actually pretty small due to many medical factors. However, if we donate publicly we can potentially save someones life who is out there looking for a match. Also, privet cord banking is CRAZY expensive and the more I read into it the more it seems like a really great money making scheme. How many parents are being convinced now to cord bank their blood "just in case". Chances are all this company has to do is preserve the blood and shove it in a freezer and forget about it because it will most likely never get used. I know its a very personal choice to make... but I really do feel that if I can help someone out using blood that would otherwise go in the trash I want to do that.

So, those are my random pregnancy thoughts! I will update with the hospital tour review later!


  1. wow there is so much to learn about being pregnant!!

  2. I know! Just when I think i've learned a lot i learn even more. Now someone has told me about delaying cord clamping so I have to rethink my cord blood donation idea!
