Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hospital Tour!

So, as promised, an update with the hospital tour! As I said earlier, this is our backup plan in case of emergencies. I went in pretty pesimistic and came out feeling a lot more relaxed.

The tour was about 5 other couples, most looking much more pregnant than I was. We were of course given the usual talks about general hospital policies... how many visitors in a room, how long they can stay, who can visit, etc. It was all pretty dull. We then saw a birth room which was nicer then I imagined. Its pretty spaceous and privet. Of course they go over the protocol for labor and birth. If you aren't having drugs you can labor anywhere you want, but you have to actually physically give birth in the bed... that turned me off right there. However, there are positions you can use in a bed to give birth that are better then the standard one most doctors use, so I am going to have to investigate them just in case. Then they went over the whole what happens after birth deal. Again, I was still pretty turned off at this point as the women talked about how they give you a few moments before taking the baby away to make sure its okay and stabilize it before bringing it back. Then of course my husband had to ask the awkward question of "can they force you to have pitocin". The women actually redeemed herself after this part by saying how  you need to question everything that happens to you in a hospital and make sure you understand what is happening and why and know that you can say no to anything. As we moved on she stated again that the best thing you can do in labor is be your own advocate and know that even though you may get pressure from doctors you need to do whats best for you. I was quite impressed by that speech because usually people don't say things like that.

We then went on to see where the OR was in case of c-sections. They explained you can actually eat some food while in labor (soups, jello, soda, juice). We then saw the post partum room which was much much smaller, but still nice. No nursery so your baby is with you all the time. At this point my husband asked the second awkward question about social security numbers. Of course at this point the room is looking at us like we are crazy people... but thankfully the women didn't see it that way.

So, overall my opinion of the hospital is while I still think that if i do end up giving birth there I am going to have to fight for a natural birth I want, I feel better about the overall vibe in the hospital. The women who gave the tour was very good about stating over and over "make sure the nurses know what you want and that you do what you want". She said that they are willing to accommodate things, such as skin to skin contact right after birth. A big pro was that the woman said they are very focused on breastfeeding... in fact formula was only mentioned once and it was in passing. They encourage mothers to breastfeed within an hour of giving birth and have lactation consultants and nurses on staff to help.

On an amusing side note afterwards my husband was explaining to the tour guide how you don't need a social security number. She found it really fascinating and was asking all sorts of questions.

So, now I just keep everything crossed that I don't need to go back to the hospital.

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