Wednesday, September 29, 2010

6 Months!

Today my little man is 6 months old! I thought my pregnancy went by quickly! Here he is giving me the "i'm exhausted, can we go to bed now?" look.


So, what is new in the life of Eirik? He is MAJORLY working on the crawling thing! In the process he is doing baby yoga...



He does that when we place him on his stomach. Also when he sits now he is trying to go forward. He's not quite brave enough to go from sitting to his stomach yet, but he's VERY close to doing it. He does it when he bats a toy too far out of his reach or when one of the cats is JUST out of touching range.

He is very vocal and talkative at the moment! We have tons of dadada, bababa, mamama, and nanana... he has his happy noises and his angry one's. Both are cute and highly amusing... sometimes its hard not to laugh at him when he's frustrated!

We still haven't started solids yet... part of this is because honestly he is quite happy with breastmilk! The other part is because I still don't have a diaper sprayer for my cloth diapers! Breastmilk is water soluble so at the moment when the diaper is dirty I can just toss it right in the wet bag. However once he starts solids its another story! Hopefully solids will start in a week or two. Have no fear, there will be pictures a plenty when that happens!

Bedtime is a bit of a nightmare still but I have finding a correlation between how difficult bedtime is to how much time I spend with him in the evening. On days where I pick him up at my friends and he doesn't get good quality "mommy time" before bed he tends to take longer to put to sleep. We're slowly getting better. He's still not sleeping through the night either... currently thanks to teething we are up about every 3 hours. Needless to say he's been sleeping in bed with us and I am mastering the art of nursing laying down in bed.

I'll leave you with a bath picture. He still loves his baths. We got him a rubber ducky and he has finally mastered grabbing it out of the water and getting it into his mouth! Yummy. ;)


Doctors appointment tomorrow so we get the official weight and length! I'm guessing 23lbs. Anyone else want to take a stab?


  1. WOW! I can not believe Eirik is 6 months old!! The first picture with his tired look is precious - I love his expressions!! He looks very determined to crawl! I am sorry bedtime is still hard but am glad to hear it is getting better!!

  2. I don't blame Eirik for wanting quality mommy time! Who wouldn't? ;)

    As for the weight guess, I'm going for 24lbs, 7 oz.!

  3. Love the rubber ducky picture! Wow - he is really getting close to mobile, you guys better get ready. I am going to go with 23 lbs 5 oz.

  4. Happy birthday little Eirik! Kylie has the very same rubber ducky =) I can't believe his yoga poses, impressive!

  5. Awww. How cute!!!! I too am shocked at the fact that he's already 6 months old! Wow. Just wow.
