Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Hop!

Okay, I know I am going to sound like such a first time parent right now... sorry! But tonight Eirik moved himself forward... with intent!! He's been getting on his hands and knees and rocking and tonight he actually managed to lunge himself forward... once! I know this in no way means he's going to be crawling around the house tomorrow... but as he moved himself forward I quickly saw all the lovely safety hazards in my house. I guess I know what i'm going to be on the hunt for on sale... baby gates! My cats better beware... there's gonna be a baby on the move soon!



  1. Yay for Eirik! And Colton has the exact same outfit in this pic! :)

  2. So neat! I love hearing about Eirik's progress! Such a cute picture!! His smile is precious!

  3. New skills are coming, how exciting!!! Kylie was touching things with intent to feel textures last night and I was so excited. Love the picture, he is such a happy little guy =)
