Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Joys Of Pumping In Public...

Yesterday was AWESOME. It was a relaxing fun filled day of lots of great music and conversation! There was a radio station in Maryland called WHFS that played alternative and rock music and every year they would have a HUGE concert called the HFStival. I grew up listening to the station... my parents played it in the car and then as a teenager and adult I listened to it. I never attended an HFStival but every year I wished I could... it seemed like there was always one reason or another I couldn't go. Then one afternoon in 2005 as I was driving home from work my beloved station was playing... spanish music. I thought this was some sort of prank at first but no, my station was gone. They attempted to bring it back on nights and weekends on another station but it never really went anywhere. Now you can apparently listen to it on HD radio... but I don't have that. But, I digress... this year they decided to do another HFStival! It was like reliving the 90s... the lineup was all those alternative rock bands I loved listening to! Fuel, Lit, and Everclear to name a few.... and Billy Idol. Yes folks, I saw Billy Idol in concert last night... and I must say that he looks pretty darn good! In true rock concert fashion I witness people in various stages of drunkenness, the really old guy who looked completely out of it, and a fight. No concert is complete without a fight!

My day itself started early. I went to breakfast with my one friend who was coming to the concert with me and another of our friends. We decided to stuff ourselves silly as concert food is horribly overpriced (a think of fries was 7 dollars and a soda was 4 dollars!). After eating a huge unhealthy breakfast we went to the concert and met up with my friends friend who was coming with us. The concert itself was fairly tame comparted to HFStivals of years past. I actually saw a lot of people with small children which was rather shocking to me. Considering the line up I expected a lot of people between the ages of 15 and 30 but I was very surprised to see quite a few people who were in their 40s and 50s there... as well as people who came with the family! I saw a lot of teenagers with parents! Of course as the day wound down and the level of intoxication increased the families slowly left. The weather was perfect for the event... the three of us found ourselves a little spot in the shade under a tree where we could see one of the large screens and spent most of the day listening to music and talking. My friends friend has a 14 month old so we spent some time talking about kids and how quickly they change. It was nice!

The biggest blah part of my day was pumping. I pumped in the car before entering the concert but I knew I would have to pump at least once at the concert. I had a little manual pump and I decided, after much deliberation and trying to find a quiet spot, to pump in the bathroom. UGH! To say it was disgusting was an understatement. Thankfully the venue had a lot of real bathrooms and honestly I've used bathrooms that were more disgusting... but still it was not pleasant. I pumped just enough to take the pressure off and then the second I got home I pumped again.

While I missed my little man it was good for me to get out for the day and do something for me and have me time. I haven't really done that in a long time. Typically I schedule my girl outings around Eirik's eating and sleeping so I am only gone for 3 - 4 hours. I am however enjoying spending the entire day today with my little man who despite a very clogged up noise is his typical smiling/happy self.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful day! Happy you had a good time with the girls and got to listen to some good bands. The pumping doesn't sound like any fun at all but what can ya do. Hope you enjoy your full day with the little man =)

  2. I'm so glad you got to get out and have some great Mommy time! Sometimes it really is the best thing even though we always miss our little guys when we're gone. :)

  3. You go girl! I love it that you were able to get out and about and have some fun. And I totally remember the day that HFS converted to an all-spanish station. I called Matt and was like, WTF??? We lived in Columbia at the time and I had a 2 1/2 hr. commute from Columbia to Bethesda ... it sucked and I was music=less.

    Sounds like the lineup was a good one this year - I love Fuel!
