Saturday, September 18, 2010

More Sickness....

But this time its Eirik! =( Poor baby... I wondered why he was up so often last night and this morning it was obvious he has a cold. Hes congested and sneezing... but still a happy little man! I on the other hand am exhausted... he was up about every 1 1/2 - 2 hours and even when he did sleep it wasn't very well... so needless to say I didn't sleep well either. To make things even more interesting I am having my first official girl day without Eirik! I am going to an all day festival rock concert... i'm going to be going from about 9am till 11pm! Not only will I be exhausted by the time I get home I'm now going to be worried about him. =( I'm really hoping he didn't get the killer cold I had!


  1. Aw, poor little guy! I'm sure he'll be fine though, don't worry, his daddy will take good care of him. Enjoy yourself at the concert! When I saw your facebook status about it, it brought back memories of that time we went to see Third Eye Blind (and Vertical Horizon, and Splender) at Merriweather Post in high school...good times! :)

  2. I hope Eirik feels better! I am sure your husband will take great care of him while you are out with your friends! I hope that you have a fun time!

  3. Sorry Eirik is sick! Hopefully it's a short lived illness...

    Hope you have fun at the concert =)
