Thursday, December 3, 2009

Nausea Returns...

I read about it in the books and I hoped and prayed it wouldn't happen to me... but of course it has. It was too good to be true... those 10 blissful weeks of feeling great! I could eat what I wanted, food tasted amazing again... yet now I am back to wanting only crackers and carbs... thats right, my nausea has returned! =(

At first I put my nausea down to holiday eating... I ate lots of foods that are not normally part of my diet! But alas, that is not the case. The odd part is that unlike before where eating made things better, now eating makes everything worse! Oh yes, i feel hungry all right... but about an hour or so after I eat I feel like I want to throw up. Its not bad enough yet for me to pull out the leftover Zofran I have in my medicine cabinet (though I have thought about it once or twice!) but it is enough to make me put the windows down in the car when I drive to work and has caused me to stop and do some deep breathing at work so I don't end up running to the bathroom.

In more positive news I got my camcorder today!! Of course I am dying to try it out on the cats, but they have been quite dull this evening. I'll have to get some catnip and a laser pointer tomorrow and see what fun things I can record. I have to make sure it works right so if it doesn't I can return it... ;) I was really amazed with how tiny and light it was!! I remember when I was a kid a family friend had a video camera and it was huge and weighed a ton! How far technology has advanced!!

I am now off to be a bad group member... my big end of the semester group project is due tomorrow and my group had originally decided to meet at 5:30 this evening for a final online chat session to make sure we were happy with the final power point. Well, I got online at 5:30 to discover everyone else had agreed to move the chat session to 10pm! That whole 3T exhaustion thing is starting to hit me and recently my bed time is more like 8:30pm... I can't imagine staying up till almost 11pm tonight and then getting up at 5:45am tomorrow for work! I mean, if I had to do it I would... but this group project is not worth forcing myself to feel miserable over! So, I am going to finish a few things and post a note with some comments on the final project and apologize that I can't make it at 10pm tonight to chat.

I'll leave you with the belly shot this week. Its a full photo... you can see my face! Apparently i've gained 10lbs since my 22 week checkup... and i can assure you that is not all going to my belly!

26 weeks 12-3-09

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