So in preparation to make some gentle sleep changes (as the book says) we are supposed to log Eirik's sleep for 3 nights. This is so we get an idea of where we are now and so after trying some different methods to get him to sleep better we can evaluate where we are in about 2 weeks. So here ladies and gentleman is a typical day and night in our house...
6am - wake up
9:15 - 9:40 morning nap
12:15 - 2:20 - afternoon nap
5:10 - 5:40 - evening nap
6:20 - bath time
6:40 - 8:15 - Nurse, rock, cuddle, pat back, place in crib awake, wait 5 minutes till he starts fussing, go in, pat back, rock, gentle shushing, put in crib awake... repeat until he falls asleep.
9:50 - 10 - first wake up. nursed back to sleep
12:05 - 12:10 - second wake up, nursed back to sleep
1:05 - 1:10 - third wake up, nursed back to sleep
2:00 - 2:05 - fourth wake up, nursed back to sleep
2:45 - 2:50 - fifth wake up, nursed back to sleep
3:15 - 3:20 - sixth wake up, nursed back to sleep
4:20 - 4:30 - seventh wake up. nursed back to sleep
5:50 - 5:55 - eighth wake up, nursed back to sleep
he has possibly been awake since about 6:15 unless my husband got him back to sleep... not sure yet...
So, in other words, he is waking up 8 times a night and the longest stretch of sleep was 2 hours. I have to add here I went to bed after the 9:50 feeding.
So, there you have it! That's actually pretty typical... sometimes we probably do a few less... but i'd say that this has been his pattern for quite a while now. I have been trying other methods to get him back to sleep but nothing works... he gets absolutely hysterical if i don't nurse him. And I don't grab him the second he makes a noise... no, i give him a few moments to fall back asleep because sometimes I know he's just getting comfortable. No, these wake ups are actual "I'm really awake" wake ups. Two more days of logging sleep and then we make some changes. I'm really hoping something works soon because this sleep deprivation is really starting to wear on me!