Saturday, October 9, 2010

Baby Vs Cat... round 1!

Today we officially had round 1 of "baby vs cat". I think it was a draw. ;)


Caligula was begging for attention so he plonked himself down right in front of me... thus also putting him right in front of Eirik. Eirik wasted NO time in reaching forward and grabbing two large fistfuls of fur while I of course grabbed a photograph. I did however quickly remove Eirik's hands from the cat before he tugged too hard this causing said cat to get more feisty. He's pretty good about not using his claws or biting but he doesn't understand that Eirik doesn't understand no tugging on the fur... sooo..... yea. We are going to have to work on getting Eirik to understand gentle with the cats. Caligula almost got his tail chewed on as well, but I didn't have my camera ready for that moment. Eirik grabbed it and was trying to get it into his mouth. I of course was laughing at this... I don't think the cat found it very funny!


  1. Cats never find anything funny! Too cute! And the cats will learn quicker than Eirik :-)

  2. So cute!!! I have a feeling that Finn will be the same with ours cats! It seems like Finn and Eirik are so similar in personality -- plus we have that same outfit! ;) -- I wish we lived closer so they (and we) could meet!

  3. Haha, poor Caligula = he has no idea what he's in store for!

  4. Lara- I'm having a Finn sometime this week! He will be Finnley Alexander... but I love the fact you also spelled your Finn with two nn's... I just think it looked so much better than one N. LOL! It's a family name too... but we liked it before we found that out. Ahh excitedness

  5. Aww Lara, I wish that too! my husbands ultimate dream is to move to New Hampshire so maybe one day we'll be closer!
