Sunday, October 3, 2010

On The Move

Well, I haven't really wanted to admit it to myself... but Eirik is on the move. He's not crawling in the traditional sense, but he can get himself across the room now quite easily AND can go from sitting to his stomach... which means if I sit him on the floor he can get himself to his stomach and again, across the room! He can however only scoot backwards which means he doesn't eye an up object and go to it... its more of an accidental movement and then "oo, look at that!" It also means I need to seriously babyproof the downstairs of my house! Oh the joys... its on my list of things to do next weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! Let the baby proofing begin =) Have you had a sit down with the cats to explain what this all means?
