Monday, October 11, 2010

International Babywearing Week!

I meant to post this earlier last week but... well... one thing after another happened and before I realized it the week was over! October 6th - 12th is International Babywearing Week! I personally think babywearing is AWESOME! Eirik loves it, and so do I! When Eirik was smaller I carried him around in a Mei Tai styled carrier and now hes bigger (and heavier!) I have been using my Ergo. They are both so compact and I can put them on just as quickly as one can put together a stroller! I find it a lot easier to wear him when I am out because I can move through isles and stores where sometimes a big stroller would get stuck! I also use it around the house if I need to do something and Eirik wants me to hold him. Its come in very useful at night when I have a grumpy and overtired baby!

Some Benefits Of Babywearing!

A lot of people were turned off on babywearing earlier this year due to the massive recall of bag slings. Like any other baby item, if not done correctly and safely could be dangerous! There are however MANY wonderful resources online! Babywearing International is a great resource! Here is a link to their safety page!

babywearing safety!

Interested in babywearing but not sure what you like or where to begin? Look online for a babywearing group! There are lots of meet up type groups that may even let you borrow carriers for short periods of time, just like a library! Also look for small businesses in the area that offer classes on babywearing. There is a woman locally to me in Baltimore who offers babywearing classes!

Not all babies like all types of carriers. Personally Eirik is very fond of upright and soft structured carriers like a mei tai and an ergo. I put him in a moby wrap a few times as an infant and he was not really happy. I also have a regular sling which I have used and again, not really happy. Thats why going out with your baby and trying different slings and carriers is such an awesome thing to do! So many people give up on wearing their baby because the baby hates the first type of carrier they try.

So, that is my little speech on babywearing. =) I LOVE it and so does my baby!



  1. Thank you for sharing. I have been wondering about this lately, but have not purchased any type of carrier yet. I am so glad you have found it works well for you and eirik.

  2. Thanks for posting about baby wearing week...I didn't realize there was such a thing! Sometimes Kylie isn't happy doing ANYTHING but is happy in the Baby Bjorn. We have paced our floors many a time wearing it =)

  3. Yay for Baby Ergo! I have finally mastered putting mine on when I'm home alone -- not easy when you have to use the little infant burrito insert ;). We still use the stroller more than the carrier but both DH and I decided last weekend that we were going to do things like chores around the house wearing Finn, so that he got skin-to-skin contact even when he wasn't requesting it!

  4. I am glad to hear you love your ergo. I liked my baby bjorn when stewart was little but now really dont like it :/ It kills my back and he's only 14lbs. I have been going back and forth on if I should try the ERGO. We are going on vacation in 2 weeks and need to figure that out quick!

  5. Eirik weighs almost 20lbs and i can easily carry him in the ergo for hours! I had a yard sale a few weeks ago and I wore him almost the entire time! its SUPER comfy... it has a lot of support!

  6. Yay thats great to know! :) I love having him with me but I walked the mall for 20mins and it was not good! I came back to give you my email in case you wanted to read my blog ever. Its private for now because we have officially finalized. I can add you if you want though! april.lorvick @
