So I am officially at the half way point. Well, assuming this little guy makes his appearance on time of course! How odd is it to suddenly realize that I am more than half done with being pregnant?? In some aspects it feels like this has taken forever to come, but then I feel like time is flying! Even scarier is the fact that the point if viability is 24 weeks. What does that mean? If something happens and I give birth after 24 weeks the chance of survival is high compared to before that. Not that I think anything is going to happen, but its just another timepoint on the pregnancy rollercoaster to look forward to.
Here is my growing fat bump:
Not an amazing picture... i apologize! I think i look about the same as I did before, but some people at work are saying its more obvious. And I got my first person ask me today if I was pregnant! Shes also pregnant amusingly enough! Shes 16 weeks, so that means that come early next year there will be two pregnant women waddling around the building!
So I guess the next milestone I have to get past is the glucose test. I am looking forward to this the least... going in for fasting bloodwork, drinking what most describe as a disgustingly sweet sugar solution, sitting around for an hour, and then getting the bloodwork done again. Fingers crossed I pass, otherwise they make you do a 3 hour test! EEP! And, I have my hospital tour coming up next month. Even though we aren't planning on using the hospital I told my husband I wanted to go tour and make sure we know what to expect if we go there. Never say never!
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