Saturday, October 10, 2009


For weeks now I have been waiting for movement... everyone says "when it happens, you'll know". Now and then i've had things that COULD have been movement, but it also could have been digestion issues too... its hard to tell! But last night there it was, movement! It wasn't like anything i'd ever felt before... and it wasn't the "butterflies in your stomach" feeling everyone always says. It was mind blowing to be sitting here and suddenly feel SOMETHING! Up until now its so easy to forget I am actually pregnant... sure, i've got this nice little fat bump (yes, it looks fat, not pregnant!) and the aches and pains sometimes... but once i get busy and start doing things its easy to forget. Now it all sort of feels more real... not that it wasn't real before. It still feels like a dream that i'm going to wake up from.

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