Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cats vs Cosleeper - an update!

As I hoped, my cats have decided the cosleeper is dull and have avoided it! I am so relieved! I was worried that I was going to have tons of issues keeping them off it but instead they have decided its just not that interesting!

I have my 39 week appointment tomorrow. I have a feeling nothing is going on and have mentally accepted that i'll go past my due date. It seems like everyone around me is mixed in their thoughts on when i'll go. My coworkers seem to think it'll happen any day while others have said "oh, you look like you could go for weeks".

My parents have booked their flights and should be arriving on April 16th! I'm excited as I haven't seen them since last June when I went to visit them in England. They are staying for 3 weeks too! Something to look forward to. =)


  1. Good news about the cats! No telling what goes on in those little minds =) GL at your appt tomorrow, can't wait to hear how it goes.

  2. GL tomorrow :) I'll be thinking about you and praying that things are moving right along!!!
