Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Race To Deliver

I feel like I am in a race at this point... my cutoff is midnight tomorrow... after that I can't give birth at the birthing center like I want to. Its starting to depress me and I'm really starting to worry that this is never going to happen. However, I do have some promising signs... sporadic contractions this evening, lots of pressure, and lots of mucousy discharge (i'm aware the last may be a TMI for some of you! Sorry!). I went back to the chiropractor again this evening to get another adjustment and she said I looked better then yesterday. I'm really really hoping that this is all pointing to me going into labor tonight... hell, i'll even settle for tomorrow morning or afternoon. As long as i'm in labor before midnight tomorrow i'm okay.

Speaking of the chiropractor, I wish I had gone earlier! I slept better last night then I have in WEEKS. Also the carpel tunnel issue is SO much better!! I hardly had any numb issues at work today, and only mild tingling when I was having a shower. My hips hurt less too. Its just... great! I also had more energy today. Now, that could be because I am getting geared up for labor... being optimistic? Yep!

Now i'm going to get on my soapbox here a moment... a fair warning. The one question I keep getting from everyone is "why are they not inducing me yet?!" Well, because everything looks fine! He's got plenty of fluid, hes moving, hes happy, my placenta is fine, therefore there is no reason to induce me. If something looked bad or he was in distress I can assure you my midwife would be sending me to the hospital... but things look great. The next comment I get is about how big he's going to be. I was 8 1/2lbs, my brother was 9. My husband is not a tiny person! I never imagined I would have a 6 or 7lb baby. I always anticipated at least 8lbs. Am I worried he's going to "be to big"? Nope! My midwife isn't concerned and I am not concerned. They do this for a living... they deliver babies ALL the time. If they were really worried for some reason they would mention it. I do realize I am strange... that my views on this are not the mainstream. In fact if I was seeing a different doctor I can assure you by now I probably would have been induced or kicked out of the practice. I don't want to induce my labor just because i've gone past my estimated due date. If you read the pregnancy books they all say going up to 42 weeks is NORMAL. I guess i'm just tired of being made to feel like i'm crazy or that i'm potentially putting my child in danger. Not by anyone who reads this blog (or at least anyone who comments!) but by coworkers and other people. If there is one thing I can assure you, I will do anything to make sure that Eirik comes out okay. After 18 months of trying and 9 months of being pregnant there is nothing I wouldn't do to ensure that he comes out safely. If there was any indication something was wrong or something looked bad then I would do something! But I am not having any medical issues and Eirik is not in distress! He's quite happy in there. I just wish people would leave me alone and stop asking me when the induction date is or why haven't I been induced yet!

Okay, off my soapbox now. I'm going to eat a ton of pineapple in hopes that these contractions turn into something!


  1. So exciting! You and Eirik are so close to the finish line :)

    Best of luck these next few days


  2. Try to ignore people's rude comments. Your baby is apparently thriving and there's no need to go through an induction for no apparent reason.

    With that being said, I hope labor starts SOON so that you can deliver at the birthing center. It sounds like you're getting close - best of luck!!

  3. You are so much nicer than I would be. I'd have a whole list of snide comments to return back to them by this point. "The only person inducing me is you - you are inducing me get REALLY angry!"

    It sounds like things are moving along this morning!!!! Best of luck!!! ^_^

  4. Sorry everyone has been pestering you with their opinions. It never ceases to amaze me the things people are willing to say about what you "should be" doing when your pregnant. Lay off already! I think you are doing a great job and Eirik just wanted to cook a little longer that's all =)

    I know it's impossible not to stress about the deadline but seriously, there's not one thing you can do to control about when labor begins. So tryto accept that what will be, will be...

    Sending lots of TODAY is the THE day vibes to Eirik =)
