Thursday, May 20, 2010

Discovering New Things Every Day!


Sometimes it amazes me how quickly Eirik seems to grow and learn things! He has always enjoyed sitting in his bouncy chair for short periods of time. A few weeks ago he started to show interest in the little objects that hang in front of him. He would try and reach for them and stare at them, but never for more then about 5 minutes. He would start to squirm and thrash around and make the "get me out of here" noises. Today I had to put him in there for a few minutes to do something. I was watching him and saw his foot thrashing and kept waiting for the squawks of protest but they never occurred. In fact in was staring VERY hard at those little things hanging in front of his face. It was then that I discovered he was making them move by kicking his foot! He was quite pleased with himself and kept doing it and watching it! Today I also think he started to discover his hands more. I caught him staring at them very intently. Every day really is something new. How am I going to be able to go back to work knowing how much i'm going to miss?? 

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