Thursday, April 29, 2010

Cloth Diapers

So after doing cloth for a few weeks and trying an assortment of diapers I thought i'd post a little review. I know some people who read my blog are considering cloth, so I hope this helps!

We started out with the following:

12 bummis prefolds
6  bumgenius bamboo fitted diapers
an assortement of Bummis super whisper wraps and super brite covers

Since then I have also purchased the following:
1 BumGenius All In One Fitted Diaper
Flip diapering system

Prefolds -

The cheapest way to cloth diaper. They are what you imagine when you think of the old fashioned cloth diapers: the ones that need pins (or in my case snapies) and a cover. While they are economical I haven't found them the easiest to use. It takes a little more work to get them on right, and I have had a few leaks. While I have found they are great to have on hand i'd rather slowly build up my stock of other diapers to eventually replace these.

Fitted -

I really like the bumgenius bamboo fitted! Of course they have been discontinued since I purchased them. They need a cover over them like the prefolds, but you don't have to arrange them at all. Its like putting on a regular diaper and then simply putting the cover on over top! Quick and easy! It is a bit of a pain having to put the cover over top, but buying fitted diapers is cheaper then buying the all in one diapers. While I do love the fitted, once he outgrows them I'm not sure if i'll replace with more fitted or with another system. I think the fitted is a great option for newborns however because its cheaper then an all in one and the one sized systems i think fit babies better once they get bigger.  More on that later. =)

Covers -

I love the covers. I have to say the super brite I like slightly better because they have this extra leg bit to help prevent leaks!

All In One -

The all in one was free with an earth day promotion when I bought the Flip diapering system. While i LOVE how easy it is to use and put on I don't think i'd invest in a ton of them for a few reasons. First off they take MUCH longer to dry. It required 2 dryer cycles simply to dry the diaper. Secondly they are sized diapers so when the baby grows you have to buy new ones. I'd probably like to have a few on hand because they are nice and easy for babysitters, but I wouldn't go out and spend a ton of money on a bunch of them.

The Flip -

This is a neat diaper system! Its a waterproof shell you reuse and then a really absorbent liner that you change every time. Sort of like a prefold diaper but better and easier. The shell part of the Flip is one size too so you can adjust it as your baby grows! I have to admit at first I was a little unsure of the Flip... I was expecting leaks or a mess. But I am happy to report no leaks occurred! I only have 4 inserts at the moment, however that gets us just about through the night. The other nice thing about the Flip is you can buy disposable inserts! That sounds really convenient for going out! I may have to buy a few of those.

Whats next? I'm going to try out some one sized pocket diapers! I love the ease of the all in one but hate the dry time. The pocket is the next best thing because you remove the liner therefore it drys quicker!

Lastly a few other observations. In the one size diapers I prefer Velcro over snaps. The Velcro gets a much more snug fit around the waist while the snaps are close, but not perfect. Prefolds are okay for starting and a backup, but I'm not going to purchase anymore. Instead i'm going to purchase more either fitted or one sized diapers. So far most of the diapers I have are sized which is nice, but I am going to try some one size diapers to see how they fit. I have heard both good and bad about the one sized... so i'll keep you updated!


  1. You GO girl :) Love how organized you are!

  2. Not that it matters to me ^_~ but what about attaching a pic of what each diaper looks like for all those looking?

  3. Thanks SO much for posting all this info! I found some all in ones (BumGenius 3.0) that adjust to fit 8-35lbs babies/toddlers on Craigslist for ~$7.5 each. I've heard the drying time is an issue as you mentioned. Hopefully they work ok! I'll let you know =)

  4. Oo.. pictures... good idea!
