Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sick Baby

Yes, Eirik has his first cold. Last night he was sneezing a lot, but I thought nothing of it. We have a lot of dust in the house and he ALWAYS sneezes. Well, this morning I heard him coughing a bit and his nose is also a little stuffed up. He doesn't seem to bothered by it, which is good, but I feel bad for him. There's really nothing I can do! Hopefully this will just stay as a minor cold and will clear up really quickly on its own. I think we're going to have to go back to the doctor about his eyes again... they are getting worse. I have a feeling he's going to have reoccurring eye issues until his tear ducts unclog. =(

On a more amusing note Eirik has a new noise he makes! Its a nuh sound that he makes when he gets angry! I know its not supposed to be amusing, but you can't help but want to laugh at him when he starts making that noise at you and getting himself worked up. Its so adorable and amusing! On Thursday night my husband was telling me about this new noise over the phone and as he was talking about it Eirik was doing it because he didn't want to be on the floor anymore!

Today I am going summer clearance shopping. My big guy is now wearing 12 month clothes... AHH!! The problem is I have almost NOTHING summerery for 12 month and my friend, who is lending me clothes, doesn't have a ton either. So we're going to hit up the baby stores for their super duper clearance deals. Should be fun!

And here is a picture of the little man sitting ALL BY HIMSELF!


He kept trying to play with his foot however which kept causing him to topple over... He'll get better with time!


  1. I am sorry Eirik is not feeling well and still have eye issues! I hope that he feels better and you are able to work with the dr to clear up his eyes! That is so cute about his new noise!! It is so amazing the new things they do every day!!

  2. sorry to hear Eirik is sick! :( But if you live near any outlets, I know that Carter's and Children's Place are both having awesome clearance sales right now. :)

  3. Sorry your little guy is sick! Hopefully he kicks the cold quickly. It's so hard not to laugh at some of their little noises =)Have fun shopping for clothes!

  4. Poor little Eirik! I hope he's feeling better by now!!

    I know I'm late on this, but both Old Navy and Carter's have a TON of summer stuff on clearance!
